OpenCities Map Help

Using Oracle Versions

Oracle Workspace Manager functionality (i.e., spatial versioning) is available in OpenCities Map Ultimate, Standalone, and Layered editions. It is not available in PowerView. There is no longer any license checking.

Normally OpenCities Map works in a non-versioned, pessimistic transaction. That means features must be locked before editing. When they are locked, they cannot be edited by other users. All changes must be posted to Oracle or discarded before the end of the edit session.

You are able to work in a versioned, optimistic transaction mode if desired. This means that you can create a new version in Oracle in which to do your edits. Features do not have to be locked for other users to edit. Versioned changes do not have to be committed to the master or parent version if an editing session ends. However, any changes made to the version should be posted or discarded before closing the edit session.

To work with OpenCities Map in a versioned environment, Oracle’s Workspace Manager must be installed and the tables being edited must be version enabled. To perform conflict resolution using the Conflict Inspector dialog, you need to have the WM_ADMIN role granted.

You still have an option of working in a pessimistic mode when selecting a version. Doing so means the features must be locked before editing.